Alex Johnson
Current District 3 School Board Member
Candidate Running for Re-election

Meet Alex Johnson

Alex Johnson family with ice cream

About Me

I grew up in the Lake Zurich area. My wife, Kelly, and I are Foxmoor residents and have two kids attending school in district, Theo (2nd grade) and Emmy (Kindergarten).

Professional Background:

BBA in Finance from Loyola University Chicago and have been working in the Consumer Banking industry for over 13 years.

School Board Experience:

I have served on the District 3 School Board for nearly 4 years and am running for a 4 year term.

My Focus Areas

Fiscal Responsibility

I have served on the board's Finance Committee for the past two years. I hope to continue my goal of effectively allocating and using tax dollars to achieve the best return on investment for our students, ensuring every dollar spent is a step toward for our student's future.

District Culture

I believe the teaching staff is vital to a school's success. In order to retain high caliber of teachers, we must create an atmosphere where staff is proud to be a part of. If elected, I plan to take an active role in enhancing district morale.

Student Support

I believe our district has highly intelligent students that can thrive in the right environment. I hope to enable our administration to identify opportunities where the district can provide necessary support to help our students be best prepared as the graduate out of District 3.

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